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1 Planet 4 Everyone 2 Save - can we count on it?

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

Do you want to learn more about how our relationship with numbers can affect our understanding of environmental issues? Join us for these drop-in sessions at Manchester Central Library, where you can take part in games and quizzes that explore how numeracy affects the decisions we make about the environment and the actions we take.

What’s it about?

Numeracy skills shape the way we interpret information and the choices we make about a number of important areas in our lives e.g. money and health. They can also inform our understanding of risk/impact on nature, which can affect our environmental decisions. This drop-in session, designed for all ages (5 years +), features interactive multi-sensory activities that will explore how our relationship with numbers is key to understanding our environmental impact and challenges such as CO2 emission and plastic particles levels. Attendees will take home a handy guide to environmental information to use at home and test with their friends!

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Yale Benn, Department of Psychology, Professor Ricardo Nemirovsky, School of Childhood, Youth and Education Studies, Connor W Chaplin, student of History and Politics, (Manchester Metropolitan University) and Dr Paul Conroy, Senior Lecturer in Speech & Language Therapy (University of Manchester)

Open to

All welcome

Event Booking details

Drop-in sessions at Manchester Central Library (10am-4pm) are open to all. Just turn up.

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