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‘I had one of those!’: sharing memories and stories through objects

What’s on offer?

Objects remind us of other people, our own pasts and what it was like to live at a particular time, to be part of a particular generation. This event, run in collaboration with the Stories of our Lives group, will explore how objects people had as children, teenagers or early adulthood helps them to remember and feel connected to other people. Bring along an object, or come and see which objects we have with us: clothes, gadgets, or any other everyday objects. You can hear others stories and have a chance to share your own.

What’s it about?

The Stories of our lives group already meet to write and share memories. They are part of the wider community of Chorlton. The ages of the group range from 25 to 86. The participants are led to reflect on then discuss key topics from the past and then write up their reflections on a shared blog. The events have created opportunities for community connections and reminiscences. Participants have reported benefits and want to find ways of reaching other people in their community. This would be the ideal opportunity.

Who’s leading the event?

Prof. Sophie Woodward, Sociology, University of Manchester

Open to

Everyone is welcome, but this event will be of particular interest to people over 50

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