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Art, Ethics and Climate Change

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

A 20 minute visual exhibition of KCL Visiting Fellow Dr Lola Frost's Chinese landscape painting along with a digital art piece by KCL Alumni Angela Chan, followed by a panel discussion with two artists, joined by Lau China Institute's Professor Astrid Nordin and Chaired by Jessica Carden of the Centre for Grand Strategy

What’s it about?

In the context of COP26 where global actors will collectively consider how to address the effects of climate change, this collaborative forum explores the complementary lessons in art, diplomacy and international relations. Given the challenges posed by climate change, Dr Lola Frost: Visiting Fellow in War Studies at KCL, explores how the life-force ethics of contemporary art practices, including her own, mediate repressive cultural norms, bridge cultural divides between the west and China and engage with the life-force of the material world. Prof. Astrid Nordin of the KCL Lau Institute will consider the value of traditional Chinese yin-yang relationality and its diplomatic potential for fostering international cooperation on climate change.  Angela YT Chan’s research-based art raises questions on the inequities exacerbated by climate change. By critiquing public framings to archiving communal conversations, Angela works on resource scarcity, conflict and colonial histories of climate change. The diplomatic dynamics of mutual recognition under consideration here might help us to think differently about the environment in an ever more politically and culturally interconnected world.

Who’s leading the event?

Joint event between the Lau China Institute & Centre for Grand Strategy featuring: Professor Astrid Nordin, Lau Chair of Chinese International Relations, Lau China Institute, KCL Dr Lola Frost, Visiting Fellow, War Studies, KCL Angela Chan, Recent Graduate of MA Climate Change at KCL Jessica Carden, Centre for Grand Strategy KCL Hannah Bretherton, Lau China Institute KCL

Open to

Public event for all who are interested

Of particular interest to

Those with an interest in Chinese culture, art, climate change and politics