Look out for tweets from @hm_morgan on COP26-related activities at the University of Aberdeen and beyond, including the Climate Capsule. The University is collecting short statements and images about our hopes for the planet for the next 20 years to store in a capsule that will be sealed and buried in the Cruickshank Botanic Gardens on Friday 12 November. It will only be opened again on Founders’ Day 2040! Find out more about the Climate Capsule here.
Running alongside COP26, the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, we will host a series of daily events and activities aimed at engaging young people with our previous research on sustainable diets and climate change. We did some work with local 11-16 year olds in 2013, but since then we’ve seen Greta Thunberg establish ‘Fridays for Future’ and more recently 12 year old Jude Walker walking 200 miles from his home to London to raise awareness around climate change. So, what do young people think now? We will be seeking their input into the design of a follow-on project that will look at how individual ideas and choices have or have not changed, while also exploring how social media influences young people’s perceptions of food choices and climate change. Today we'll chat on twitter!
Dr Heather May Morgan, Lecturer in Applied Health Sciences at the University of Aberdeen
Young people
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