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Better Data For Cleaner Air: The ADRC NI Online Air Pollution Dashboard

Environment Themed Morning science of industrial area with air pollution.

What’s on offer?

The ADRC NI Environmental Health Research Group at QUB has developed an online dashboard that examines the effect and impact of air pollution, a critical environmental issue, on public health and, therefore, on society more widely. This tool empowers the public to understand the levels of air pollution in their communities and how this could impact their lives. 

This webinar will provide a demonstration of this dashboard, along with an expert discussion.

What’s it about?

Globally, air pollution is the most significant environmental threat to public health. For the public, especially those with health conditions, knowing where air quality is poor can help avoid negative health impacts, which will benefit society and the economy. 

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Neil Rowland, ADRC NI Research Fellow and regional Clean Air Champion for Northern Ireland; and Professor Duncan McVicar, ADRC NI.

Open to

Open to all

Of particular interest to

Anyone interested in cleaner air for all or air pollution.