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A Story in Sand: build your own excavation

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

In this 45 minute, story-guided session you will create your own excavation and explore the hidden items our characters left behind. With the aid of real archaeologists, together you’ll build a story of how people occupied your landscape through time. Did they experience drought or flooding? How did they fare during times of war? See how your landscape layers build-up, and what they can tell us about being sustainable and human impact through time. Afterward, you will take home your excavation and can uncover your hidden treasures.

At the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford

Suitable for children aged 8+. Must be accompanied by an adult.

Also running at 2pm.

What’s it about?

What can we tell about how environmental changes affected humans in the past?

Who’s leading the event?

Ruby-Anne Birin, School of Archaeology, University of Oxford

Open to

Children aged 8+. Must be accompanied by an adult.

Of particular interest to

Those with an interest in how archaeology can tell us more about the environment around us.