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Carbon Intensive Regions in Transition – unravelling the challenges of structural change in relation to decarbonisation

Environment Themed Coal processing

What’s on offer?

During this event, the speakers will deliver a talk lasting approximately 40 minutes followed by 20 minutes of Q&A and open discussion.

What’s it about?

Starting from October 19th, and running through the United Nations COP26 climate change summit, the Sussex Energy Group will be presenting highlights of its research in the SEG@COP26 seminar series that are relevant to the themes of these crucial global negotiations. CINTRAN’s work provides insight into how different actors, for example, national governments, coal companies, oil shale workers etc., are responding to, or “coping” with, decarbonisation policy. This research provides a basis for encouraging coping strategies that advance decarbonisation efforts while also addressing needs for decent, sustainable livelihoods.

This event will present early results of the EU Horizon2020 CINTRAN inventory of coping strategies. Strategies vary based on those involved, the resources they have available to them (for compensation, economic redevelopment, retraining of workers etc.), and the national context (i.e. within an early, middle or late energy transition phase). Our analysis provides insight into what strategies there are, how these can be used to facilitate transitions, and which strategies are most useful for advancing decarbonisation, providing a better understanding of how successful and fair decarbonisation can be acheived.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Marie Claire Brisbois is Lecturer in Energy Policy at SPRU and Co-Director of the Sussex Energy Group; Dr Roberto Cantoni is Research Fellow in Energy Justice and Transitions.

Open to


Of particular interest to

Those working on and thinking about sustainability, energy and social justice.

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