This event will feature a series of online conversations around the future of food and the ways in which we produce and consume food. Topical, bite-sized videos from academics summarising social science research in this field will be released over one week and the public will be encouraged to view and respond to provocations from the research. These will include video responses and reflections posted through social media as well as a purpose built online platform to encourage new interactions, new connections and new knowledge. Participants will be asked to register their interest so they can then receive all the links and resources.
The food system is a major contributor to global climate change and environmental degradation and therefore central to any progress made at the COP26 summit. We will be inviting, and facilitating, input from social scientists from a range of disciplines related to this issue. This includes geography, sociology and business school academics as well as experts from production, consumption and systems approaches. A dedicated online platform will be developed as the focus for engagement. This will host academic videos and supporting information and enable feedback and other forms of engagement from the general public and stakeholders across Greater Manchester. The project will be a collaboration between Manchester Met and the University of Manchester.
Dr Adrian Morley, Manchester Met and Dr Jo Mylan, Alliance Business School, University of Manchester
All welcome - participants will be invited to register so they can then receive all the links and resources
Of particular interest to anyone passionate about the ways in which we produce and consume food and how this affects not just the planet as a whole but us as invidual as well as our local communities.