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Climate change and sustainable food systems: Global problems with local solutions

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What’s on offer?

The activity will encompass a 10-minute presentation and a short video on climate change impacts on food production, the contribution of agriculture to climate change and the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). We will then discuss: Where the food you eat comes from; what are the impacts of food consumption on the countries of origin (carbon, water and land footprints); what is the role of local food production and consumption in the achievement of SDG; what local actions can be implemented to achieve the SDGs; how do we measure progress. We will also discuss local strategies and actions that ensure sustainable food systems. 

What’s it about?

Food systems contribute simultaneously to climate change and depletion of natural resources. Climate change can also affect adversely food production in many world regions. This can increase food prices and disproportionately affect lower income households, especially in remote regions. Although climate change is a global problem, local level action is essential. For example local mitigation and adaptation can improve food security. This activity will encourage young people (aged 16-21) to think where their food comes from and how it impacts on climate change and on other sustainability goals, the role of local food on ensuring the Climate Action (mitigation, adaptation) and other Sustainable Development Goals, and to design local actions to achieve sustainability.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Diana Feliciano, a transdisciplinary scientist in land use and climate change at the University of Aberdeen. 

Open to


Of particular interest to

Young people aged 16-21 but it is suitable for adults as well, especially members of community gardens, gardening clubs, allotment holders etc.

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