A video presentation on climate change conspiracy theories will kick off this creative and interactive workshop in the context of the COVID pandemic. Is anti-vax and COVID denial part of a connected conspiracy denying climate change? How deep does this rabbit hole go? How do we stop people getting sucked in and how do we get them out? This workshop will debate this disturbing area which is threatening progress on climate change and COVID – a deadly double nexus.
The growth of online conspiracy theory movements denying climate change and COVID represent an existential threat to our planet. How can we counter this vast online extremist cult network? This workshop examines the rabbit hole, prevention approaches and how to rescue people from it. Attending will help counter these toxic ideas and provide tips for those dealing with loved ones caught up in conspiracy theories.
International experts on online extremism and conspiracies, Rod and Linda Dubrow-Marshall, University of Salford, will lead this event.
Adults and children concerned about climate change and conspiracy theories.
Once you have registered, you can access the joining link at: https://salford.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/esrc-festival-of-social-science-joining-page