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Teach Carbon Literacy! (Part 2): A Zero Carbon World

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

Do you work with young people? Do you want to empower them to respond to the climate crisis positively? Join us to build your knowledge and skills so you can lead delivery of our award winning climate literacy training to enhance young people’s awareness, ability, and importantly, likelihood to take action on climate change.

The sessions will be highly interactive and provide you with plenty of opportunities to experience the activities from the Carbon Literacy toolkit and to ask any questions about the materials.  In each session we will demonstrate activities from each module of the toolkit. In addition to this, we will also cover how the activities can be used for both standalone shorter sessions as well as for running full Carbon Literacy training.  As part of attending the workshops you will gain full access to all the activities in the Carbon Literacy toolkit, free to use within any educational context.

In this second of four evening training sessions you will learn about all about net zero strategies and skills. 

What’s it about?

For young people in particular, climate change and our response to it will define their future. This virtual "train the trainer" workshop will equip teachers, professionals and volunteers working with young people, with the knowledge, skills and resources to roll out the award winning climate literacy programme to their own young audiences. The event is open to participants from across the country and aligns with most local authority climate change action plans. The climate literacy training meets the requirements of the Carbon Literacy standard and participants can apply for certification (at their own cost).

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Rachel Dunk, Principal Lecturer in Environmental Management & Sustainability, Manchester Metropolitan University; Jane Mörk, Carbon Literacy Tutor, Manchester Metropolitan University; Prof Liz Price, Professor of Environmental Education, Manchester Metropolitan University; Prof Marc Jones, Professor of Psychology, Manchester Metropolitan University; Dr Graeme Heyes, Research Associate in Sustainable and Circular Design Innovation, Manchester Metropolitan University.

Open to

All welcome

Of particular interest to

Teachers, Youth workers, Youth sector volunteers, Climate activists

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