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Community-based chronic pain self-management: Confidence, skills not pills

What’s on offer?

In this two-hour hybrid workshop (available online and in-person) attendees will learn about Durham’s “Skills not pills” approach to pain management, which comprises a ‘Gabapentinoid and Opioid Tapering Toolbox’ (GOTT) and Pain Footsteps Apps. This unique approach offers a set of tools to improve confidence of primary care clinicians and pharmacists, and their patients to successfully self-manage chronic pain.

Following the talk there will be an open discussion on the future.

What’s it about?

Persistent pain is a huge health challenge. It is the biggest reason people in the UK see their GP. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognised it as a priority disease in 2019. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has also recently accepted that current chronic pain medications have limited use, and in fact carry serious safety concerns. That is why reducing opioid prescriptions (for non-cancer pain) to zero by 2024 is a priority for Public Health England (PHE).

Pain is a bio-psycho-social phenomenon that cuts across social, primary care, public health and rehabilitation. Health care professionals realise the need to change how they engage with people with persistent pain. Persistent pain cannot be ‘fixed’ or ‘cured’. It needs an understanding of the individual experience and person-centred management, to help people live better lives with it. The sustainability of health systems must be re-evaluated. There is potential for families and the community to offer support, and improve the experiences of individual pain-livers. A different way of thinking about health and care in pain management is required.

Who’s leading the event?

Paul Chazot (Biosciences, Durham University)

Live Well with Pain team: Dr Frances Cole (GP), Dr Rebecca Kinchin (GP), Louise Trewern (Pain Liver, NICE Lay panel member)

Open to

Open to all

Of particular interest to

Pain Community and Health Care


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