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Connecting with nature: for wellbeing, sustainability & the environment

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

This half day will include several talks with Q&A, all held online. You are free to drop in to any of the talks that interest you.

What’s it about?

Connecting with nature can have benefits not only for our own wellbeing, but for the environment too. Join BU researchers and local nature organisations for a selection of talks, to learn more about forest bathing, volunteering for nature, sustainable living and other ways to engage with and protect the natural environment.

We’ll also discover what social science research tells us about the sustainable choices people make throughout their life. Set against the backdrop of COP26, this event will explore how the choices we make could address the climate and ecological crises, and how Bournemouth University targets and supports these.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Angela Turner-Wilson, with research colleagues from Bournemouth University, as well as representatives from nature and heritage organisations.

Open to

Open to anyone

Of particular interest to

Of particular interest to anyone looking to increase the amount and quality of their time spent in nature, and to make more sustainable lifestyle choices.