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COP26 Universities LIVE

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

Audiences can tune in to a 1hr live stream focused on ‘This Week at COP26’ where the speakers will be reacting to the Presidency programme, bringing in their own social scientific research insights to the discussions of the day, including reactions to press responses. It will be similar to the ‘newspaper review’ on BBC News 24, but with a unique social scientist’s take on the proceedings. Sessions will be streamed live on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.

What’s it about?

The sessions will each bring social scientific research perspectives on the daily discussions taking place at COP26; essentially weekly reactions from social scientists.

Who’s leading the event?

Prof Andy Miah, Chair of Science Communication & Future Media, University of Salford, who is leading on digital and public communications within the COP26 Universities Network.

Open to

All: it will be streamed online on YouTube, Twitter and Instagram. Each of those platforms will target a specific audience.

Of particular interest to

People working in public policy, but also advocacy groups.

Event Booking details

Once you have registered, you can access the joining link at: