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Creating a generation of environmental activists: how can psychology help?

Environment Themed Green space between buildings

What’s on offer?

This 1.5 hour workshop from the University of Sussex will cover how psychology can help train the next generation of environmental activists. We will address three main areas: 1) how to encourage individual behaviour change, such as reducing flying and meat consumption; 2) how groups can work together to create wider change in society; and 3) the place of humans in nature and the benefit of green spaces. The session will be structured with a range of short talks from leading expert Psychologists at the University of Sussex, before an interactive workshop focused on helping attendees to use what they have learnt to develop a communication strategy targeting a change in pro-environmental behaviour of participants’ choice.

What’s it about?

This workshop will be particularly beneficial for young people and adults who want to learn more about how to use psychological approaches to fostering pro-environmental behaviour. Participants will take away a practical understanding of how to promote pro-environmental behaviours in everyday life. The session will also give a window into the broad range of psychological research at the University of Sussex and its applications.

Who’s leading the event?

The session will be chaired by Dr Faith Orchard, Dr Charlotte Rae, and Prof Nicola Yuill from the School of Psychology, University of Sussex. Our expert speakers, covering a broad range of career stages from PhD students to senior academics, will include: · Alaa Aldoh (using social norms to reduce meat consumption) · Jolyon Miles-Wilson (psychological barriers to reducing food-related impact) · Harry Lewis (understanding the importance of identity in climate activism) · Sara Vestergren (understanding personal benefits of protesting) · John Drury (evidence-based advice for activism organisers and participants) · Charlotte Rae (how exposure to nature impacts emotions and wellbeing) · Kate Lester (the importance of outdoor play for childrens’ mental health)

Open to

Everyone is welcome to attend

Of particular interest to

The workshop will particularly suit young people aged 16 and over, and adults

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