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Creative SHORT Project 2: From a problem to a resource: waste and the reverse supply chain explained              

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

The online event features the launch of the second of 3 short film/ animations created as part of Cambridge SHORTS Project with an accompanying interview with the researcher. Through out the screening there will be an opportunity to ask questions to the researcher and creative over Twitter: @CamUniEngage

What’s it about?

We take a look at some of the key research taking place at the University of Cambridge on challenging topics that impact our daily lives and the way we perceive our future:     

Sytske Wijnsma is focused on reducing the illegal disposal of electronic and other hazardous wastes. Policymakers and law enforcement agencies are continuously implementing and enforcing laws to keep harmful waste, such as electronic waste (e-waste), in the formal recycling process. Yet, violations remain rampant. It is estimated that for e-waste alone, between 60% and 90% is illegally exported to developing countries where labour is cheap and environmental standards are lower or barely enforced.

What are these illegal disposal methods and why are they pursued? More importantly, how can we curb violations and attain a more circular and prosperous waste economy?

As part of Cambridge Creative Shorts project, researchers at University of Cambridge joined forces with creative professionals to translate their research into a visual language of short films and animations to reach out to wider audiences. Join us for the screening of this innovative animation created through the collaboration between researcher, Sytske Wijnsma and creative, Christine Hopper.

The online event features the launch of the short film and animations with accompanying interviews with researchers. Throughout the screening there will be an opportunity to ask questions to the researchers and creatives over Twitter: @CamUniEngage

To register for the event please go to Eventbrite. We’ll share information with the registered participants on how to join the screening closer to the day.

Who’s leading the event?

Researcher: Sytske Wijnsma, Judge Business School, Economics and Policy, University of Cambridge
Creative: Christine Hooper

Open to

Participants from all ages and background are welcome

Of particular interest to

Of particular interest to those who would like to know more about technological waste and how some technologies can be produced in more sustainable ways.