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Navigating Parental Cancer: Support and Advice for Families and Professionals

Close up grown up daughter express empathy and compassion holds hands of old mother seated on sofa.

What’s on offer?

Parental cancer can have a significant impact on the whole family, but children are often left out of important conversations.  

This afternoon workshop will take place in the Mac, Belfast. Those attending will learn about the importance of talking to children about their parent’s cancer and death, what families can do to prepare for the death of a parent and the role of professionals in supporting families at the end of life.

What’s it about?

This workshop will focus on recent research findings from the 'Family-Centred Cancer Care' programme of work, led by a team of researchers at the Institute of Nursing and Health Research, Ulster University. Researchers have been studying families' challenges and support needs when a mum or dad of dependent children is at the end of life with cancer.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Cherith Semple, Reader in Clinical Cancer Nursing, School of Nursing and Dr Jeff Hanna, Post-doctoral Researcher at Ulster University

Open to

This event is open to families, health and social care professionals, and funeral directors.

Of particular interest to

This event will be of particular interest to FAMILIES impacted by parental cancer on an incurable trajectory and professionals involved in caring for and supporting families affected by parental cancer, i.e. health care professionals, school teachers, funeral directors and pastoral care professionals.