The University of Glasgow is a member of the Economic Observatory network. On 3 November, we are delighted to join with the Economic Observatory to host a conference on the economics of net zero in partnership with the UK Government Economic Service (GES).
This forms part of the GES’ Global Economics Conference series. The event will discuss key issues in the economics of climate change and the role of economic policy in helping to deliver the structural changes that are needed in our society. We will hear from a number of distinguished speakers from government and the academic community.
Scientific evidence built up over decades is clear that it is our economy that is the single biggest driver of climate change. How we travel to work, the business models of our companies (both large and small) and the structure of markets for key natural resources are all crucial in determining the amount of emissions we release into the atmosphere. If we are to achieve net zero (by 2050 according to the UK Government’s target), then we need to transform all aspects of our current economic model.
The ESRC’s Economic Observatory is a new initiative designed to help provide answers to some of the key policy challenges of our time. It draws together expertise from across the UK and further afield. There is a dedicated section on the website on all manner of different aspects of climate change and the environment.
Richard Davies, Economic Observatory and University of Bristol; Graeme Roy, University of Glasgow
Confirmed speakers include:
Dr Matthew Agarwala (Project Leader: The Wealth Economy, Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge)
Barbara Buchner (Senior Director, Climate Policy Initiative)
Ece Özdemiroğlu, (Founding Director, eftec, Economists for the Environment)
Claire Mack (CEO, Scottish Renewables)
Professor Rebecca Henderson (Co-Director, Business and Environment Initiative, Harvard Business School)
Stephen Sheal (Special Adviser, Net Zero Transition Centre)
Open to anyone
This event will be of interest to a wide audience of academics, business leaders, policy officials, students and the general public.