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Empowering Communities to Fight Climate Change: What is Amiss?

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

Governments, corporations, and businesses around the globe must act quickly and unwaveringly to tackle climate change. Simultaneously, the role of citizens and communities in empowering climate wise sustainable development is also important but often overlooked or implemented poorly. A case in point is community-based water management (CBM), which aims to allow end users to manage and share water resources equitably, effectively, and sustainably. CBM is central to effective water resources management irrespective of political ideologies and yet, studies show that very few models have achieved sustainable success. Our webinar will bring together international researchers, water management experts and community representatives to explore how communities around the world manage their water resources and how can they be helped to do better.

What’s it about?

Communities are the backbone of our nations. They have a central role in the global fight against climate change. And yet, communities seldom have the support, training and inputs necessary to manage and use resources sustainably. Our webinar will bring together international researchers, water management experts and community representatives to explore what types of shocks affect community-based water management, what adaptation and mitigation measures are needed to manage shocks and restore stability, and who are the external actors (Governments, civil society, NGOs, donors, etc.) and what can they do to equip communities to manage shocks. Join us for the webinar exploring these important topics shaping the role of citizens in the global fight against climate change. There will be opportunities for Q&A too. If you have any questions about the event, please contact Dr Kavin Narasimhan at

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Kavin Narasimhan, Research Fellow (FutureDAMS), University of Surrey

Dr Roshan Adhikari, Research Fellow (FutureDAMS), University of Manchester

Sarah Redicker, Doctoral Student (FutureDAMS), University of Manchester

Open to

Anyone welcome.

Of particular interest to

Anyone interested in learning how communities around the world manage their water resources in the face of climate change challenges and how can they be helped to do better.

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