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Enhancing Past Sacrifices: Protecting our underwater military cultural environment for current and future generations

Environment Themed Anti-aircraft gun of SS Thistlegorm. Image credit: Shutterstock

What’s on offer?

A hybrid (attendance in person or via Zoom) afternoon seminar/roundtable discussion and exhibition open to experts, the general academic community and the public.

The event begins with a networking lunch. It will be held in The Levinsky Room, 3rd Floor, Roland Levinsky Building, University of Plymouth 

What’s it about?

The event brings together experts from the underwater cultural heritage (UCH) community to discuss the increasing challenges inherent in maintaining the sustainability of the UK’s underwater military heritage against seabed development, climate change and looting. 

In addition, the seminar will consider the challenges and social benefits of engaging the public in UCH. Driven by technological advances the UK regulatory authorities are reviewing processes for achieving these objectives and the seminar provides an opportunity for experts and the public alike to learn about and input into these developments.

The event will showcase the following themes:

The social and cultural importance of conserving underwater military heritage

How public engagement can drive and enhance this process

The current regulatory framework and recent evaluations of its successes and failures

The benefits of and threats to this process posed by modern technological advances and climate change.

Who’s leading the event?

The event will be led by Jason Lowther (Associate Professor in Law at the University of Plymouth); and Prof. Mike Williams (Visiting Professor in Law at the University of Plymouth) with invited speakers from regulatory bodies, the armed services, third sector groups and academia.

Open to

All persons aged 14 and over

Of particular interest to

This conversation will be of interest to Ministry of Defence, Dept. of Cultural Media and Sport, heritage managers, policy makers and regulators, professional and avocational marine archaeology interests, sociology and history professionals and students, maritime law professionals and students lawyers and the general public interested in broader maritime history and cultural remains.



Image credit: Shutterstock