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Exploring Communities: Pearl Jephcott’s Creative Research Practice

What’s on offer?

This online event will include online, pre-recorded lecture presentation, digitised archive visual materials for the Pearl Jepchott archive, a recorded round table discussion, and access to publications/pre-publications

What’s it about?

Restudies of past projects remain relatively rare in the social sciences. Likewise, significantly more work needs to be done to highlight the contribution of previous generations of women and BAME scholars currently overlooked in research historiographies. As such, there is a need to re-examine these past contributions to both recognise their significance and to reassess the contemporary relevance of the findings from their work to draw out any methodological lessons for creative research practice. Using data from our funded research on Pearl Jephcott – reconstructing 'then and now', archival demographic and biographical research, and interviews – this event contributes to this research agenda by highlighting the lessons she has for contemporary social science and creative research practices.

Who’s leading the event?

Prof. John Goodwin, Professor of Sociology and Sociological Practice at University of Leicester; Laurie Parsons, PhD Researcher at University of Leicester; & Prof. Henrietta O'Connor, Professor of Sociology and Head of College of Social Science, Arts and Humanities, University of Leicester

Open to

Open to all

Of particular interest to

Of interest to Any groups interested in i) community studies ii) local history iii) social research methods iv) auto-biographical methods

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