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Fire, food and forests - the Amazon rainforest in the 21st century

Environment Themed Image of recently cleared Amazonian forest in Paragominas with bare earth in foreground. Image taken by Dr Alexander Lees.

What’s on offer?

Travel to the Amazon Rainforest without ever having to leave your sofa! Immerse yourself in a tropical world (minus the heat, humidity and sweat bees!) and discover for yourself the latest conservation work being undertaken by Manchester Met experts and the Sustainable Amazon Network. Participants will be invited to take part in interactive games to test their knowledge and help shape the panel discussions.

What’s it about?

This event introduces new audiences to the complex environmental issues behind media stories of climate change. The knowledge you gain will empower you to making informed lifestyle choices and interact in policy debate.

The Brazilian Amazon contains 30% of the world’s rainforests, which provide a key safeguard against climate change and support local livelihoods by supplying food, timber and other resources. But the rainforests are now experiencing catastrophic wildfires driven by local and global climate change, extreme droughts, deforestation and forest degradation. Researchers will share soundscapes and videos to illustrate the work of the Sustainable Amazon Network, a multidisciplinary international learning network tackling the challenge of making tropical land usage sustainable, followed by a panel discussion with network members and the audience.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Alexander Lees and Dr Martin Sullivan, Department of Natural Sciences, Manchester Metropolitan University

Open to

All welcome

Of particular interest to

Armchair travel enthusiasts who want to learn more about the environmental emergency in the Amazon.

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