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Generation Next: restoring faith in generational progress

What’s on offer?

Presentation of findings from Bobby Duffy's new book "Generations", with reflections and discussion from some of the world’s leading thinkers, politicians and policymakers focused on how to get to a better future

What’s it about?

How do we restore faith in a better future for coming generations of young people? As shown in the US edition of Bobby Duffy's new book, The Generation Myth, even before the Covid-19 pandemic we’d lost a lot of our belief in generational progress, across developed countries including the US, UK and Australia. This event brings together some of the world’s leading thinkers, politicians and policymakers focused on how to get to a better future, to consider the evidence in the book – and what we should do in response.

Who’s leading the event?

Julia Gillard, former Prime Minister of Australia; Robert Putnam, Malkin Research Professor of Public Policy, Harvard University; Marie Brousseau-Navarro, Director of Policy, Legislation and Innovation for the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales; Bobby Duffy, Director of the Policy Institute, King’s College London; Mark Easton, Home Editor, BBC News (chair)

Open to

The public

Of particular interest to

Anyone interested in politics/society