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Improving support for LGBT+ young people in schools and colleges

What’s on offer?

This co-produced online event will provide an introduction to the Schools Training to Enhance support for LGBT+ young People (STEP) Study ( that sits within the Centre for Society and Mental Health ( Young people involved in the coproduction team will discussing their experiences of working on the project. As well as presenting our initial findings, we will facilitate an open discussion around improving training for school and college staff to better support LGBTQ+ young people. We will also be discussing the challenges in schools and colleges accessing and implementing training and ways to increase training uptake.

What’s it about?

The STEP study, funded by the TRIUMPH network/UKRI, is a co-created qualitative study being co-led by a research team at the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health, young people, and the Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons Trust. The event will be about how schools and colleges can better support the well-being of all young LGBT+ people who experience disproportionately poorer mental health and well-being than their heterosexual and cis-gendered peers. Our study includes the voices of young people from minoritised racial and ethnic groups, faith communities, young people from low-income families, as well as young people living in rural and coastal areas. We will be presenting initial findings from interviews and focus groups with training providers, school staff and students about how training can be improved in schools and colleges. We will also be discussing the challenges in schools and colleges accessing and implementing training and ways to increase training uptake by schools and colleges. The young people involved in the coproduction team will be discussing their experiences of being peer researchers.

Who’s leading the event?

Charlotte Woodhead, Lecturer in Society & Mental Health, ESRC Centre for Society & Mental Health at King’s College London, Amy Morgan, Research Assistant, ESRC Centre for Society & Mental Health at King’s College London Amy Morgan, Research assistant, ESRC Centre for Society & Mental Health at King’s College London Lukasz Konieczka from the Mosaic LGBT+ Young Persons Trust

Open to

Anyone is welcome

Of particular interest to

Of particular interest to students and secondary school and college staff, parents of young people identifying as LGBTQ+, and those providing training in schools around supporting LGBTQ+ young people