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Life on Mars: In Conversation with Dr Moogega Cooper, real-life Guardian of the Galaxy!

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

Join us for this hour-long 'In Conversation with…Dr Moogega Cooper', Lead Planetary Engineer for Mars 2020 and real life Guardian of the Galaxy! Hosted by Dr Bela Arora from Manchester Met Business School, there will be plenty of interactive materials available to attendees before the event to help familiarise them with the topic and live audience questions will of course, be welcome.

What’s it about?

As one of our closest neighbours, the Red Planet has captured the imagination of the general public and is represented in scholarly work across the arts and sciences. Exploration of the planet may help us understand the impact of climate change and how communities can prepare for how these might affect their lives. This event will explore what learning we can draw from our knowledge of the Red Planet and the wider implications this might have for our society. As a real life Guardian of the Galaxy, Dr. Cooper is dedicated to sharing her joy of science to children and adults around the world and we would love you to come along and find out what life is really like on Mars!

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Bela Arora from Manchester Met Business School will host the event with Dr Cooper from NASA

Open to

All welcome

Of particular interest to

Of particular interest to KS2 children who have ever dreamed of going to Mars and want to talk to a real life Guardian of the Galaxy!

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