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Living Well with Dementia: Lessons Learned from COVID-19

What’s on offer?

With both in-person and online options you will:

  • Hear directly from our ALWAYs group of people with dementia and carers 
  • Hear from IDEAL researchers about what our evidence tells us about the impact of the pandemic
  • Be one of the first people to test our new LILAC toolkit website and be able to suggest improvements
  • Have the opportunity to respond creatively to our research evidence
  • Reflect on what you’ve learned about living well during the pandemic

What’s it about?

How can we use what we’ve learned during the pandemic to improve the lives of people with dementia? This participatory event invites you to collaborate with the IDEAL team on a new resource designed to inspire people with dementia and their carers, and offer new ideas about how to live well with the condition under five key themes: Stay safe and well; Stay connected; Keep a sense of purpose; Stay active; and Stay positive.

Who’s leading the event?

The IDEAL programme from the University of Exeter is a research team seeking to understand which things make a difference to living well with dementia. Find us on twitter @IDEALStudyTweet 


Open to

All are welcome – including children and teenagers with an interest in digital media! – and this event will be of particular interest to those people affected by dementia. 

We are running a competition for 11-18-year-olds to design a resource for people with dementia which will be included within the toolkit, with the winner announced at the event. First prize is £100 and the deadline is 12th November. Find out more here


Of particular interest to

Families affected by dementia, anyone who works in or around dementia care, community leaders, policymakers, healthcare professionals, digital communicators – if we want to live in a dementia-friendly society, there is nobody whom dementia does not affect. This is why we’re welcoming everyone!