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Local Story, Global Audience: Media Tourism in Doune - 1

Doune Castle, Scotland

What’s on offer?

This online talk will begin with a 15-minutes video produced by the research team about the local perceptions of the media tourism development and impacts. This will be followed by a 20-minutes talk and a 10-minutes Q&A. This event welcomes anyone interested in tourism-related topics, especially Scottish tourism, and rural Scotland development.

What’s it about?

Doune Castle has seen a record-breaking surge in visitor numbers since the popular Outlander TV series was first filmed there in 2013. The massive volume of worldwide visitors has posed fresh concerns about the (un)sustainable tourism development e.g., infrastructure capacity, real economic contribution, sociocultural impacts. We will present a grounded understanding of the media tourism development in the village of Doune at an in-person roundtable discussion. This event is open to all, especially anyone interested in Scottish tourism and rural Scotland development. We also hope to establish connections amongst various tourism stakeholders in Doune, including Doune Castle (Historic Environment Scotland), Doune Council, representatives from local hospitality industry, independent tour guides and local residents. By so doing, the current challenges, profound impacts and good practices during the tourism development process in locale can be explored, with a purpose to develop strategies promoting sustainable tourism development in a social, economic and environmental sense.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Xiaoqing Chen (Lecturer at the Business School), Professor Claire Wallace (Chair in Sociology) and Stephanie Garrison (Research Assistant of Sociology), University of Aberdeen.

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