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Looking to the future: Learning lessons from the youths of the Lothian Diary project

What’s on offer?

An in-person presentation and roundtable at the Scottish parliament (while streamed online to allow up to 100 virtual participants) that includes the researchers, the young participants, and policymakers to showcase the diversity of experiences in the diaries, through video and audio clips and transcripts. In particular, the event will inform MSPs about an issue related to the Parliament’s work on COVID-19, as well as the wider public about the marginalised voices, particularly those from the youths, as they experience the pandemic. The audience will also have opportunities to ask researchers and policymakers about how they can support diary contributions and share their experiences with others in the community. Materials used in the presentation will also be available on the website. We will follow up the roundtable with a public forum hosted on our website, which will remain live throughout the festival and for a month afterwards. The event will dovetail with a funded community outreach event with the Being Human Festival, taking place at the Leith Walk Police Box from 12-4 November.

What’s it about?

The Scottish government and parliament have been learning about how the Edinburgh and Lothian residents (particularly the MSPs’ constituents) react to the COVID-19 lockdown measures. We have contacted and established connections with MSPs who have expressed interest in learning about our research findings, which have recently been consolidated into a parliament report and policy briefing, to be launched as a part of our 2021 FOSS programme. Our event will provide a direct avenue for young residents and other vulnerable to communicate with government workers and policymakers so we can collective create a safer and better environment, particularly amid future health emergencies.

Who’s leading the event?

Sarah Liu and Claire Cowie, University of Edinburgh. Carr Gorm, Dr Bell’s Family Centre, the Edinburgh Society of Model Engineers, LinkLiving, People First (Scotland), Redwoods Caring Foundation, Streetwork, Super Power Agency, Thistle Foundation, the Welcoming Association, and the West Lothian Financial Inclusion Network.

Open to

Young people aged 12 - 25, Public, residents of Edinburgh and the Lothians

Of particular interest to

of particular interest to policymakers, charities, researchers, and people who have previously participated in the Lothian Lockdown Diary Project.