An online screening of the award-winning film Motherload, followed by a live panel discussion with leading experts in the field of cycle logistics.
‘Motherload’ is a film about the cargo bike revolution building around the world. The film follows Liz Canning’s (the filmmaker) own story, going from being a keen cyclist to having young twins, then feeling the need to have a car and reaching a point where her cycling life felt like it was most likely over. Her life was transformed by the discovery of cargo bikes as a different way to get herself, her children, her shopping and everything else, around her city. In her enthusiasm she starts to connect to online cargo bike communities, and decides to make a film about it. She meets amazing passionate advocates along the way from across the US, and the world. Her cargo bike becomes part of her own response to the climate crisis.
Dr Graeme Sherriff, who leads the Healthy Active Cities team at the University of Salford. Panellists include Chris Leaky - Manchester Bike Hire, Beate Kubitz - Cargodale and Glynis Francis - Chorlton Bike Deliveries.
All. Healthy Active Cities runs a bi-monthly seminar series that regularly attracts people from local authorities, transport providers, community organisations, individual campaigners, researchers and other people with an interest in transport, social inclusion and climate change.
Those seeking to build cycling into family life, particularly involving small children. It is also of interest to policy makers and businesses as there is currently a lot of interest in cycling and non-standard cycling (e.g. e-cargo bikes) from the point of view of social inclusion (as they can make cycling possible for people who could not use a conventional bike whether due to a disability or caring responsibilities).