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Being (im)mobile in a world of movement: a visual exploration of migratory experiences
1 - 30 November 2021 (4 weeks, 2 days)
University of Manchester
Dig for Victory: An urban gardening workshop for social and environmental wellbeing
2 November 2021 | 12.00-14.30
Environment Themed
Sounding the Siren: Preparing the aid system for climate emergency
The Safe Place
8 November 2021 | 12.00-14.00
Cucusonic: translating bioacoustic recordings into new music in Colombia
8 November 2021 | 17.00-18.30
Creative and Cultural Collaborations
10 November 2021 | 12.00-14.00
Uncertain Futures: Working with Women to Create Change
10 November 2021 | 14.00-16.00
On and off screen diversity: Why does it matter?
11 November 2021 | 13.30-15.30
Life of Water: Large dams, deltas, and climate change in South Asia
12 November 2021 | 11.00-12.00
‘I had one of those!’: sharing memories and stories through objects
13 November 2021 | 14.30-16.00
Music, Climate, and Social Change: Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future
15 November 2021 | 18.00-19.30
Manchester, Botanical City: Plants, Stories, Lives
17 November 2021 | 15.30-16.30
Greater Manchester Schools ‘Share and Learn’ Showcase: Leading Education Recovery
17 November 2021 | 16.00-18.00
Follow the Thing: towards universal access to medical oxygen
18 November 2021 | 18.00-19.30
Drumming up climate change in Manchester & Senegal – exploring how unity, music, and business can be used for eco-tourism development.
19 November 2021 | 16.00-22.00