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Climate Change, Small Islands and Me
6 November 2021 | 10.00-16.00
University of Oxford
Environment Themed
Blue Carbon Habitats in Nature and Art: coastal ecosystems for a healthy planet
Dirty Parenting? Exploring ‘good’ germs and ‘bad’ germs in your child’s microbiome
6 November 2021 | 10.00-14.00
Social Inequality and Saving the Planet
6 November 2021 | 14.30-15.30
A Story in Sand: build your own excavation
7 November 2021 | 10.00-11.00
Cashmere, Copper and Nomadic Cuisine: exploring the tastes and textures of Mongolia
7 November 2021 | 10.00-16.00
Sensor-y Walks: exploring air pollution in Oxford
7 November 2021 | 10.30-11.30
7 November 2021 | 12.30-13.30
7 November 2021 | 14.00-15.00
7 November 2021 | 14.30-15.30
Climate Creativity: using the power of the word to tackle the climate emergency
25 November 2021 | 17.00-18.30