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Perceptions of Climate Change

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

Fluctuating weather and changing coastlines: perceptions of climate change on Qeqertarsuaq/ Disko Island 

An inspirational international speaker Dr Pelle Tejsner explores people’s changing narratives and experiences of place in relation to climate change.

The event is open to all and will be held on Wednesday 3rd November from 1-2.30pm and will be streamed live via Zoom. There will be a live Q&A at the end.

What’s it about?

This session offers an exciting look at the Climate crisis from a sociological and anthropological perspective and aims to highlight the important contribution social sciences make in analysing and finding solutions to today’s environmental problems. The event will showcase how Bangor University's School of History, Law and Social Sciences address the climate crisis within their curricula.

Joined by special guests: Prof. Robin Grove White, former head of Greenpeace and Founder of Human Ecology Department in Lancaster, who will be introducing our keynote speaker; Dr Pelle Tejsner, Assistant Professor at AARHUS University, Denmark, who will be speaking on: Fluctuating weather and changing coastlines: perceptions of climate change on Qeqertarsuaq/ Disko Island.

Who’s leading the event?

Dr Corinna Patterson, Lecturer in Sociology in the School of History, Law and Social Sciences at Bangor University

If you have any further questions please email

Open to


Of particular interest to

This event is for those who are interested in how the Climate Crisis is affecting people and places.