An interactive, participatory challenge to identify the meaning of a series of Globally Harmonised System hazard warning signs; then a presentation to ensure understanding of the correct meaning, with click-voting on which signs will be shown on a variety of products. There will also be a link to an ongoing study for further participation.
Accidental poisoning in young children is a major problem globally. Unfamiliar symbols are interpreted according to what is familiar; often wrongly. Children show a more imaginative and credulous approach. Primary school children are at intense risk of accidental poisoning and burn injury so this programme will check understanding of hazard signs, and then increase understanding and awareness in both children and adults in order to keep children safe. A version of this programme can be experienced in a fun, interactive way. WARNING: Adults perform no better than children in this activity!
Tony Long, Professor of Child & Family Health, University of Salford.
Andrew Rowland, Professor of Children’s Rights, Law, and Advocacy, University of Salford.
Supported by students from a Salford high school.
Schools, public health departments, emergency department staff. This event is targeted specifically at primary school children and their families.
Once you have registered, you can access the joining link at: