This exciting interactive online Art, Posters and Protest event, is deigned to engage participants with critical and analytical thinking about protest, social movements and social change.
The event will be online via Zoom between 10-11.30am on Wednesday 24th November.
Looking at how art and imagery have been used in social movement. Participants will be asked to consider how these campaigns and social movements have or are influencing, social change, culture, identity etc.
Representatives from Bangor University’s School of History, Law and Social Sciences will give short presentations analysing these themes, followed by a questions and answers session.
Dr Corinna Patterson, Lecturer in Sociology in the School of History, Law and Social Sciences at Bangor University
If you have any questions please email
Live event, open to all.
This session will be for those who are interested in going on to study social science topics in University and to explore how the various disciplines examines topics such as protest and dissent and civic conversations