The curse of graduating during a recession
What’s on offer?
Each year early career economists at IFS deliver a day of public economics talks, aimed at A-level and undergraduate students who have an interest in economics or might want to pursue a career in public policy research. As part of this year’s Festival of Social Science, we will be live streaming a selection of lectures from the series to anyone who is interested in finding out more about economics. There will be time allowed for Q&A on each topic.
What’s it about?
Finding a job after finishing college or university is difficult at the best of times. Yet for young people unfortunate enough to graduate during a recession it's an even more challenging prospect. Around the world today, millions of young people are facing this exact challenge: finding their way into employment in economies that are reeling from the effects of a global pandemic.
While the immediate prospects of young people may appear bleak, the long-term effects of graduating during a recession are just as concerning. Evidence shows that young people who finish their education in the midst of a recession earn significantly less than other young people even ten years after graduating. Thus, there are economic scars from graduating during a recession.
In this talk, we'll set out both the short-term and long-term challenges faced by young people searching for work today, and also what policymakers can do to mitigate the perils of graduating during a recession.
Who’s leading the event?
Imran Tahir, Research Economist at IFS
Open to
These webinars are primarily aimed at final year undergraduates studying economics, but should be useful to anyone interested in the subject.
uh good afternoon everybody uh my name
is jonathan cribb i'm uh your uh host
today uh chairing uh this
uh session uh and lecture from that is
uh uh coming to us from ifs as part of
the src
uh festival of social science
uh today i'm i'm delighted that my
colleague imran here is going to be
talking on the
uh the extremely topical topic of uh the
curse of uh graduating uh during a uh
recession uh in which he's gonna provide
a a short talk and then we've got the
opportunity for some
questions uh so the way that we will
take uh questions towards the end of
this hour will be through the slido
uh app that you can uh access via our
website or via
the youtube channel please do ask
questions there or like the ones that
you think are best that are asked by
other people
um just before we get going i want to
just highlight that this is as i said
one of a series of events as a part of
the festival of social science
and next week we have one uh that's the
22nd of november uh four to five pm
online like this one and it's on the
economics of
higher education so uh if you're
interested in that please do
uh uh see us uh again there
uh so without further ado i'm gonna hand
over to uh imran uh now who's going to
take you through his talk
and i'll see you again uh for uh q a a
little bit later
take it away imran
thank you jonathan and thank you
everyone for joining this session the
curse of graduating during a recession
so i imagine at the moment many of you
have started looking for jobs or summer
internships or if you haven't started
already you will be doing so in the
finding your first job is difficult at
the best of times
it's especially difficult as i'm sure
you may be finding
searching for this job during a
recession but what i want to emphasize
in this presentation is that it's not
just the short-term difficulties of
finding a job that matter graduating
during a recession unfortunately has
really long-term impacts on your life
chances in fact 10 20 30 years
after graduation you could still be
negatively impacted by the fact that you
graduated during a recession so that's
really what i want to get across in this
but before we dive into that let me see
let me set out some
of the underlying background information
that's important to us
so in the uk young people are more
likely to be unemployed
than older workers
in this chart i'm showing you the uk
unemployment rate since 2000.
what you can see is that during the
early 2000s most of the period the
unemployment rate for all adults so this
is ev includes everyone between the age
of 16 and 65.
it hovered at around five percent
the unemployment rate for young people
in the yellow here was all over twice as
high so at around 12
so throughout that period young people
experienced higher rates of unemployment
and it was particularly around the
period of the global financial crisis
that the youth unemployment rate really
accelerated so you can see that the
yellow line here really uh increases
sharply compared to the green line
around 2008 and 2009
after that period in 2014 2015 we saw
both the unemployment rate for young
people and the working age population as
a whole
fall but you can see throughout this
period young people were far more likely
to be unemployed than older workers
and this isn't just a uk phenomenon
young people are far more likely to be
unemployed than older workers in
countries across the world
so in this chart i'm showing you
unemployment rates for all adults so
again people between the ages of 16 and
in the green here
and also the unemployment rates amongst
young people so the yellow bars you can
see that in every single country here
the unemployment rate for young people
is higher
than that of older workers
and as i alluded to earlier young people
are especially impacted by recessions
and what this chart shows you
is the impact of the global financial
crisis on unemployment rates so i'm
showing you the change in unemployment
rates between quarter 3 of 2007 and
quarter three of 2009
and you can see that in all of these
countries with the exception of germany
unemployment rates for all workers
increased but it's young people who saw
especially large increases in their rate
of unemployment
and we can do a similar sort of exercise
more recently trying to capture and get
at the impact that the pandemic is
having on the unemployment rate
so i mean it's it's too early to give
definitive answers as to the impact that
the pandemic will have on long-term
unemployment but here i show you the
unemployed the change in unemployment
rate between quarter four of 2019 and
quarter four of 2020
so trying to get at that impact of the
initial lockdown period
you can see once again that in most
unemployment increased for all workers
but it was young people who saw
especially high increases in their rate
of unemployment
so so far i've illustrated two facts to
unemployment rates among young people
are higher and also recessions seem to
be more damaging for the young people it
seems to be
recessions lead to higher increases in
unemployment amongst young people
but why is this so concerning
what i'm going to argue to you in this
presentation is that youth unemployment
leads to long-term negative consequences
what is sometimes called scarring
i'll talk a lot more about that in this
and cohorts who graduate during a
recession are more likely to be
unemployed and so experience this
long-term economic damage
and in a nutshell that is the curse of
graduating during a recession
but don't worry i've got other things to
speak about
in particular what i want to cover in
this presentation are these three key
why is graduating during the recession
so harmful so i've already alluded to
this but i'll show you the evidence that
on um
scarring of impacts of unemployment so
unemployment spells have long-term
impacts on life chances and a range of
different outcomes
so i'm going to show you that
unemployment has these persistent
outcomes on life chances
the next natural question is
why are the effects of unemployment so
why does uh change why does being
unemployed in your early 20s lead to
these long-term consequences to try and
answer that question i'm going to
discuss some of the
modeling and work that economists have
done to try and explain career
development and earnings growth
and the final question is why and how
does the government intervene
so there are all these negative
consequences but
in order to intervene we really need to
set out the underlying market failures
that the government can tackle and so
that's what i'll do first
and secondly i'll discuss
this particular form of intervention
called active labor market policies
which are becoming a far more common
tool that governments around the world
are using to tackle unemployment in
general but especially
unemployment amongst young people
that's the plan let's start with this
first question
why is youth unemployment and why is
graduating during a recession so harmful
so recessions lead to economic scarring
what that refers to is long-lasting
damage to individuals economic
and the economy more broadly
even if a recession lasts a short period
of time the negative economic growth and
all of the fallout can lead to
long-term falls in productivity which
harms the economy as a whole but also it
causes long-term harm to individuals
life chances and it's this second
element of scarring that i'm going to be
focusing on today
so it's not just young people who are
impact who could be impacted by scarring
anyone who loses their job could be
impacted and will be impacted but why
are young people so susceptible to
damages from losing their job or not
being able to find a job
so i think that there are three main
reasons why young people are so
susceptible to scarring
the first of these is as we've already
seen they're more likely to be
and therefore more likely to face the
consequences of scarring
secondly young people are in the
formative stages of their careers
and so a shock early on can lead to
really quite damaging impacts compared
to someone who's more established in
their career
and thirdly
when a young person is unemployed this
this has an effect over a far longer
time horizon than say a 40 year old or a
50 year old who is
youth unemployment and graduating during
a recession harms future labor market
prospects there's a variety of different
papers and a lot of evidence showing
you this what i'm going to focus on
first though is the evidence
on the impact that unemployment has on
future earnings
so in the uk de fraja and limos
in a recent paper found that just an
additional month of unemployment
between ages 18 and 20 permanently
lowers earnings by around 1.2 per year
so that's what's really quite a
significant impact
and in a similar study in the u.s
show that labor market entrance
experienced persistent reductions in
earnings employment and wages from
entering the labor market in a recession
that lasts at least 10 years
and it's this persistence that's really
the important factor here
it's not just the case that
after you
graduated during a recession you'll be
harmed one or two maybe two years after
it's the fact that these
negative consequences persist for at
least 10 years
and the really nice thing about this
paper is that they show exactly how
these negative
consequences manifest after one two and
three and four and five up to ten years
and that's exactly what i'm going to
show you now
so this is a figure taken from this
paper by schwandt and von bachter and
it's really nice way of showing the
persistent impact that unemployment has
on earnings and income
so in particular what this figure shows
is the effect of
one percent increase on state
unemployment rate on earnings and income
on the y-axis here we've got the effect
on log earnings and income so just let
me explain how we can interpret that so
if we first look at the impact
after one year
we see that a one percent increase
in the state unemployment rate is
is associated with a minus 0.04
impact on annual earnings what that
means is
roughly speaking one percent increase in
the state unemployment rate is
associated with a four percent decline
in your average annual earnings
also a 2.5 percent decline in annual
household income so these are really
quite substantial impacts just from a
one percent increase in the state
unemployment rate
and it's also worth saying that the
impact on household income here is
less than the impact on annual earnings
because people receive benefits social
assistance transfers from families which
mean that the household income isn't as
badly as affected as individual earnings
the key thing to take away from this
chart is that these impacts assist
for after three five seven
even nine years after this initial
graduation so if you look at five years
since graduation
someone who's
graduating in an area with one percent
higher state unemployment rate
has almost three percent lower earnings
and one percent lower
on average annual household income
and even up to 10 years after they've
graduated they're still
earning on average less so your initial
conditions really matter for your
long-term outcomes and it's not just
earnings and income that are affected
so this is a similar plot that shows the
impact of state unemployment rate on
social assistance claims so benefits
what we again see is that after the
first year a one percent increase in the
state unemployment rate is associated
with a 0.6
increase in the chance that you claim
medicaid or food stamps so these are
forms of benefits in the us
once again we see that these impacts
persist so whilst the probability of you
claiming medicaid or food stamps starts
to decline
even nine years after graduating those
who graduate in slightly
worse economic times are still more
likely to claim social assistance
another interesting aspect is
the variation between different groups
of people so so far
we've been looking at the average
impact of graduating during a recession
but you can imagine that there are
different effects for different groups
of people
so one
particular group of people we could look
at is people who are less educated and
less educated here is measured as people
who have less than 12 years of schooling
so in the uk that would refer to someone
the sixth form education below
and what you can see here
is that the
impact of the state unemployment rate on
income is quite again quite severe so
one year after a graduation one percent
increase in the state unemployment rate
is associated with about five percent
decline in your annual earnings
and again that persists up until nine
but graduates so people with
far more education here are 16 years of
school for 16 years plus of school it's
typically how long it takes to get a
degree in the us so we're looking at
graduates here you can see that the the
impact of unemployment on them isn't as
so in particular
one year after graduating a one percent
increase in the state unemployment rate
is only associated with a two percent
in their annual earnings and in fact in
fact the um impact on the annual
household income is negligible so you
see these far smaller
impacts for the more educated people
which is an interesting dimension
so i've shown you that there are these
impacts on earnings but there are a net
range for negative effects on a whole
host of other outcomes
now there's not enough time to cover all
of the evidence on the different
outcomes but
here's just a list not necessarily an
exhaustive list of the impact of
graduating during the recession so in
people who enter the labor market during
the recession
fair what fare worse in terms of higher
rates of divorce and childlessness
in terms of their physical health
also their mental health
it's it's case that they're more likely
to commit a crime
and in general their life chances are
harmed so graduating during a recession
has a whole host of negative impacts
and just to summarize the answer to this
first question that we set out to answer
why is youth unemployment so harmful
periods of viewfind employment or
leaving education during a recession
have these long-term negative impacts
it's not only future earnings and in
unemployment that's affected but many
other outcomes and ultimately your life
chances are really impacted by the
initial conditions into which you
so that in itself is a really
finding but you may ask
why does a period of unemployment in
your teens or early 20s still affect you
so many years later
why isn't there some way of correcting
the fact that you graduated during a
and that's what we're going to turn to
trying to answer now
so we've seen that there are long-term
negative effects of graduating during a
recession but why are why do the effects
of early unemployment persist
and now this is a far more difficult
question to try and
answer because really what it requires
us to get at is the underlying
mechanisms that are at play
so previously when you were looking at
the impacts of graduating during a
recession on your future earnings you
only really needed to consider two
periods of time so your initial period
of graduation
and what the initial conditions were
like and the earnings in the future so
two periods of time here what we're
trying to answer is what happens between
the point of graduation
realizing your future earnings
what exactly is driving this
what i'm going to focus on this in this
section is the persistent impact that
unemployment has on future earnings and
this really requires us to answer two
firstly what explains earnings growth in
why is it the case that some people see
massive increases in their earnings
after a few years in the labor market
whereas others don't
and secondly
why does a spell of unemployment
your youth persistently harm future
so these are quite difficult questions
to answer
but fortunately
we have tools as economists to try and
get an answer
specifically what we try to do as
economists is build models so these
simplified uh descriptions of reality
and if you like they're basically these
are trying to tell stories about what's
happening in the real world
ways of explaining why we see what we do
and what we're trying to explain here
is firstly earnings growth
and how this is impacted by aspects of
unemployment so what types of stories
can we try and tell to explain these two
so in the economic literature there's a
an awful lot of different models of
stories and explanations that have been
put forward two of the most prominent
ones are the human capital accumulation
and the sequential job search model in
the next few slides what i'm going to do
is i'm going to talk through each of
these models in turn
explain exactly what they are what they
predict and how they try and explain why
we see such persistent impacts of
graduating during a recession
so let's start with the human capital
so human capital
you may come across it in your studies
it's a term that economists like to use
a lot but it's also a very nebulous term
it means a lot of different things to
different people
now one definition that i
i like of it is human capital is the
knowledge and skills of workers which
contribute to their productivity
however that encompasses quite a lot of
different things so in particular your
human capital can include things like
your intelligence
your i.t skills your soft skills
your levels of resilience even your
charisma all of these things could
constitute your human capital because
essentially they could contribute to
your productivity in the labor market
so that's what human capital is
what is the human capital story of
earnings growth
so we build human capital your skills
and knowledge through education from our
family and importantly in this case at
work so there are these various
different sources of
um human capital accumulation
but one of the key areas where you
accumulate human capital is in
employment workers and in particular
young workers accumulate accumulate
skills through learning by doing or in
or in the job
so you don't just go to work to earn
money you also develop skills
and human capital
over the course of your working life you
build more of this human capital which
leads to you becoming more productive
and this higher productivity is rewarded
by higher earnings so that's why
over the course of your working life
your wages increase because you're
becoming because you've built up human
capital which makes you more productive
so that's the human capital story of
earnings growth how can we use it to
explain the persistent impacts of
so i'm going to try and explain it with
this diagram here
we start with a recession
a recession means that people
are young people aren't able to find
jobs and as a result there's less human
capital accumulation because you can't
find a job you're not able to build
those skills on the job
as a result of that you're less
productive in the future
and that in turn leads to lower earnings
so it's
the effect here is coming through the
recession reducing your opportunities to
build human capital
so that's one potential explanation
another story is offered by it's called
the job search story
and as the name suggests the key
driver to earnings growth here is job
what do i mean by that
in this story of the labor market
workers receive job offers periodically
and they move jobs especially early on
in their careers
they move from job to job in search of
higher earnings and so earnings growth
here is driven by job switches
so young people in particular
are getting higher earnings through
switching jobs finding better paying
so how exactly does a record a recession
affect this job search
one impact that recession has on
um job search is the fact that there are
fewer vacancies and this is illustrated
here by this nice chart i took from some
work by colleagues at the ifs
what this shows is total job vacancy
postings between april and july in 2019
and 2020.
so the yellow here is the 2019 line
that shows you the total number of
vacancy postings
at each given time period and you can
see that in 2019 in this period we
averaged about 6 000 vacancy postings
per uh per day
compare however in 2020 when we started
to see the economic impacts of the
pandemic and lockdown vacancies declined
quite drastically
for the for the 2020 period the average
number of vacancy posting is around
three thousand
so it almost halved
why is this a problem to
people searching for better jobs well
essentially there are fewer
jobs for people to move to and therefore
fewer opportunities to move to better
paying jobs
and again just to show you this in a
diagram here's the job search story of
unemployment during your youth in
particular can harm your future earnings
growth so again here we start with a
a recession results in a worse initial
wage distribution
and it's also harder to find jobs to
move to so your options are limited
during a recession
and it's in particular it's difficult to
find those higher paying jobs which lead
to earnings growth here
and as a result you have lower earnings
just to
illustrate how these the two different
models um explain the the process of
earnings growth and the persistence of
unemployment let me show you them
together so on the left hand side i'll
show you the human capital story and on
the right hand side the job search story
and we can see how these differ
so in both models and both stories we
start with a recession or a period of
turmoil in the human capital model this
recession leads to less human capital
as i've said because there are fewer
jobs there's less opportunity to build
up those skills in employment
this in turn leads to lower future
and eventually lower earnings
in contrast in the job search model we
start with a recession
this recession leads to a worse initial
wage distribution
and also
it's far harder to find better jobs and
higher paying jobs and again this leads
to low earnings so you can see that
there are these two stories as
economists we can try and tell to
explain the persistent effects of
now both models seem to offer plausible
explanations of why unemployment effects
one of the things we can do as
economists is try and see
how the predictions of these models
compare to what we see in the data
in order to assess how good they are at
explaining the story
and that's exactly what till von bachter
did in 2020 he assessed how valid both
the human capital model and the version
of the job search model are explaining
the persistent impacts of unemployment
so unfortunately util um bacter found
that neither model completely explained
what we see in the real world so on the
human capital model he found that
even short-term exposure to adverse
labor market conditions can lead to
long-term effects so what that's saying
is that
even a short period of unemployment
which shouldn't really affect the amount
of skills you've gained too much
actually does lead to persistent impacts
of declining future earnings and the
human capital model fails to account for
on the job search model
he used it to estimate how long it
should take
earnings to recover after a recession
what he found was typical estimates of
recovery patterns only take three to
four years that's compared to the nine
or ten years that i showed you earlier
so neither model completely explains
what we see
now as economists we haven't completely
given up on trying to explain the
persistent impacts of unemployment and
job loss
one approach that has been taken and i'm
not going to go exhaustively through all
of the different approaches but one
approach is to try and combine both of
these stories
so trying to say that there's both the
loss of human capital and also search
of search reasons for the persistent
impacts and that seems to get slightly
closer to the true answer
other models have also looked at
slightly different reasons why there may
be persistent impacts for instance
skills mismatch
now there are a lot of complete
explanations at the moment and i don't
think there are there's one definitive
answer at the moment but what this up
what i think this highlights and is
quite nice is that the fact that there
are still important questions that as
economists we need to answer
so just to summarize this first question
that i was trying to ask second question
i was trying to answer
why are the effects of unemployment so
what i've argued is that it's a more
challenging to answer a question to
answer and as of yet there is no
definitive answer
i've shown you the job loss the human
capital loss model and also the job
search model and argued that they're
probably part of the story
but they don't provide a complete
so clearly this is an area where a lot
of more a lot more research needs to be
so let me now move on to the final
question that i was trying to answer
why and how does the government
so we've seen that youth unemployment
clearly has negative consequences
but does this necessarily mean that the
government should intervene
the answer to that is no
and there are a couple at least a couple
of reasons so firstly when you're
considering any government intervention
you've also got to con consider the
costs of that intervention the
government doesn't have an in a
limitless budget there needs to be
decisions between various policies taken
and labor market interventions in
particular often tend to be quite costly
so there could be an argument that
resources may be better placed elsewhere
the second
argument is that government intervention
could have unintended consequences
so if the government doesn't operate in
the correct way they could actually make
the situation far worse than it is
in order to have a basis for government
intervention what we really need to
identify are the market failures that
can be addressed by government
now for
fortunately or unfortunately there are a
range of different market failures at
play here related to
unemployment in general but especially
unemployment amongst young people and
for anyone who's taken a micro cost or a
public economic class i'm sure many of
these market failures you've already
thought of or will be familiar to you
so the first
market failure that we have here are
frictions in the labor market in
information asymmetries between
sorry among the employers
who aren't quite sure
of the skills that young people have but
also in information and symmetry amongst
the young people as well
this may be particularly
um impactful for young people because
they don't have much experience to fall
back on and to show that employers on
their cv so that's one potential reason
intervene in the market
and the next reason are negative
externalities than the negative
externalities of a youth unemployment
the fact is that a young person who
graduates during a recession and has
these worse life outcomes it doesn't
just affect them it affects society as a
whole and i've given you two examples
here of potential negative externalities
so firstly
young people who graduate during a
recession and have lower future earnings
they're able to contribute far less
in terms of tax revenue that means the
government has less to spend on
uh public resources which
harms us all
secondly crimes as well are
an example of a negative externality
that results here there is always a
victim of a crime
government may also intervene on the
macro economic concerns
so if you've got a large proportion of
workforce unemployed unable to find a
job that's not going to be very good for
the economy as a whole
and lastly the government may intervene
to try and mitigate potential
inequalities and here there are a couple
of different inequalities that you can
consider so firstly
within cohorts i've shown you that
educated people are
has don't tend to be as badly affected
by graduating during a recession so
perhaps there's a grounds to intervene
to try and reduce the inequality between
the educated and the
less educated population
and secondly inequality between cohorts
so there could be an inequality between
the lucky cohorts who don't have to try
to graduate during recession and the
less fortunate cohorts who do so that's
another reason why the government could
so all of these are clear market
failures and reasons that the government
could intervene how do governments in
practice in intervening
government intervention in the labor
market is always a complex matter
and this is worth
in particular the fact that employment
is something that's influenced by a
range of different factors labor market
itself so government policies directly
impacting labor market outcomes of
course affect employment but also
employment decisions are impacted by the
taxation and benefits system
any changes to the tax the income tax
for instance or benefits changes
can adversely war
will impact the incentives that people
to decide whether or not they want to
and thirdly and this is particularly the
case with young people education also
plays a big part in the types of
employment and employment opportunities
that are available to young people but
also education itself can sometimes be
seen as almost like a substitute to
starting a career so for instance if you
graduate if you're about to graduate
during a particularly bad economic time
you may decide to delay
entry into the labor market and go back
to university for instance so all of
these different factors and many more
that i haven't listed here influence
employment outcomes
and as a result governments need to
consider all of them in the round when
making any decision
so there are a range of different tools
that governments could use to tackle
what i'm going to focus on here is one
particular tool that is coming
it's becoming more popular in countries
across the world and it's called active
labor market policies now you may not be
familiar with the term active labor
market policies but i'll show you some
examples of active labor market policies
which i'm sure you have heard of
so active labor market policies are
government programs designed to
intervene in the labor market to help an
employer find
work and just a bit of history about
them so
they were popularized in scandinavian
countries during the 1990s
and it was part of the scandinavian
vision of their welfare state so in
scandinavian countries they typically
have very generous welfare states
and almost
act as like a counterbalance to that
they need a proactive labor market
policy so on one hand if you've got a
particularly generous welfare system
that leads to people perhaps delaying
entry into employment or not searching
for a job as hard as they could so to
try and balance that they introduced and
invested heavily in these active labor
market policies
so that's where it first
mainly originated but
active labor market policy is now
becoming more common in countries across
the world and indeed in the uk we've
seen exactly many examples of different
active labor market policies used by the
and so they were in in general there are
three main types of active labor market
policies and all of these have been used
by the government in the wake of the
so here on the left hand side of this
table i'm showing you the different
types of active labor market policies
that there are
and on the right hand side
the examples of uk government using
these different types of active labor
market policies
so starting with the first public
employment services these this is
government funding for organizations
that try and help
um be unemployed into employment so
typically job centers
in the wake of the pandemic we saw a
large investment in what i call job
entry targeted support subject the jet
trying to help unemployed into
the second key area for active labor
market policies are
investing in training and skills
development this is where this is the
idea of trying to boost the human
capital that people have available to
them in the recent budget
the uk government committed an
additional 3.8 billion pounds of
additional spending on skills
so again it's an example of an active
labor market policy that they've tried
to use
and we'll be trying to use
and the last type of active labor market
policy of these employment subsidies so
in contrast to the previous two this
tries and
tries to reduce frictions on the part of
employers so by giving employers a
a payment for hiring a worker but try
and make it easier for
firms to hire these workers particularly
during recessions
one example of that is the kickstart
scheme which was an employment subsidy
specifically targeted at young workers
so we've seen a variety of different
active labor markets
policies used during the pandemic
and there's also a lot of interest in
how we assess these different active
labor market policies
so first it's worth noting that the
different types of active labor market
policy try to address those two
different causes in some way in part try
to address the two different causes of
persistent effects that we highlighted
one of the models that we studied was
the human capital accumulation model and
we said that human capital loss is one
of the reasons why
there are such persistent impacts
so the training and skills development
element of the active labor market
policies directly tries to target this
the second
model that we tried that we looked at
was the job search model
and public employment services another
active labor market policy try and
alleviate the issues that people face
during their job search
so whilst it's too early to evaluate the
impact of the current set of active
labor market policies used by the
one thing that is worth noting is that
active labor market policies need to be
well designed and targeted
there's a long history of poorly
designed active labor market policies
which haven't had that much
effect on the outcomes that we want to
and really the key
to the success of these active labor
market policies
is that they boost human capital and
ease the job search they
directly try
and mitigate and alleviate the issues
that we highlighted earlier
so on that note let me conclude this
firstly saying that young people are
more likely to be unemployed and are
especially high fire hit hard by
recessions which is the first thing we
and what i've told you the remainder of
this presentation is that this matters
because unemployment has long-term
impacts and it's not just on an
individual's career but on a whole host
of other life outcomes
explaining why
you find employment and graduating
during your recession has such
persistent effects is a really important
question and it's something we as
economists are still trying to answer
and lastly tackling youth unemployment
is has become a key policy priority
one of the key policies that governments
are trying to use to address this are
active labor market policies and what
i've argued is that the success of these
programs depends on whether they boost
human capital and ease job search
so that's the end of my presentation
thank you very much for listening and i
believe we'll now go back to jonathan
and questions
brilliant thank you uh amen yes uh
terrific and uh i was interested i'm
sure uh our viewers were too so i do
have some questions been popping up on
on the slido app uh one at the top of
the list uh
go to uh imam first is
are certain university subjects more and
i put this in quotation marks as the uh
writer has cursed than others
for students graduating in a recession
yeah that's a really nice
and so actually colleagues at the ifs
directly try to analyze the returns to
different um university degrees
um and
if you google ifs university returns
you'll find this really nice paper but
essentially what we what they've argued
is that particular there are degrees in
particular that are associated with
especially high earnings so economics
medicine and law associated with the top
earnings and i so i can't speak directly
to whether these um degrees would make
you more resilient in the labor market
i think
there would be a fair assumption to say
that these high earnings degrees are in
part high earnings because the young
people we do them are more likely to
find employment and therefore they
should be a bit more recession proof if
you like than other degrees
but i
what i would also say on this is that
whilst there's a lot of
variation between the earnings of
different degrees
a really important dimension that i've
mentioned here is that
actually it's people who don't have
degrees that tend to fear
fair worse
so it's those who haven't gone to a
that really do see the worst impacts
from recessions
uh okay uh great the the next question
uh has come up is
what is the evidence that moving that
the move to working from home
negatively affects uh young people and
this might be a little bit uh
off topic of a precise topic but um do
you have any thoughts and and
yeah well what are your thoughts on that
and and do do i don't want to force you
into going too far out of your comfort
yeah so um
working from home has certainly been um
quite a
quite a challenge for a number of people
one um element that i think you could
look at is the fact that
being in the office
uh really is beneficial to your
development as a and as an employee
so having that interaction with
fellow colleagues the training that you
do as part of the jobs
whilst you can probably do that whilst
working from home it's it's far harder
and in that sense because it's young
people who really benefit from those
training opportunities mentoring
interacting with more senior staffs
there is an argument that working from
home could be especially detrimental to
yeah i think that's uh i think it's
right and quite how um
substitutable that kind of learning is
uh for remote working versus in-person
working i'm not sure is
is fully understood but it's an
important one particularly
for young people
that uh see what you think about this
any thoughts on how these models might
be used to explain the gender pay gap do
you have any thought
on that question
that that that's a very
interesting question i i think it's a
bit outside of my
area of expertise um yeah maybe shall i
should i see i mean look i think the
economists including at the ifs have
been working on the gender pay gap and
trying to understand it for for a long
time fundamentally we actually find you
know using
but i'm going to take the
question to mean kind of you know
economic models in general can be shown
to be very useful here
uh in particular
uh work published a couple of years ago
uh that
uses a kind of dynamic model of people's
human capital and how much they
particularly for women
implies that particularly the important
human capital generating activity is
often full-time work uh compared to
part-time work now how does and and and
the big thing is of course is that women
less likely to work full-time uh more
likely to work part-time
particularly in the years that their
children are young
now how does that kind of link to the
kind of what we're talking about well
it's really about how much human capital
people build on the job um and so you
know you would expect in general that if
people who kind of graduate uh during a
recession and
uh maybe they cannot only get part-time
uh rather than full-time work they just
might be less likely to generate that
kind of experience and those skills uh
in in a kind of similar way to that it
seems that some women are
some women find it harder to uh in the
years after their kind of first children
are being born so i think there's a
some form of parallel
um there
this one's a more of a comment i don't
know if you just want to agree with it
or disagree with it uh imran but
on the slido app it says not sure that
graduates and young people are the same
categories graduates are less likely to
be unemployed than young people
yeah no that's a fair comment so
what i would say is that within the
group of young people we're covering a a
whole host of different types of people
so young people in the slides referred
to anyone between the six ages of 16 to
but you can imagine that um a person who
leaves university um at the age of say
21 or 22 is going to be very different
to a person who's just left school at
the age of 18 or 19. now that's one of
the reasons why we i think one of the
reasons why we see unemployment having
less of a detrimental effect on
because they're slightly older
they're more mature they may already
have some labor market experience they
don't have as bad
effects as
non-graduates who typically tend to be
yeah um and then the last question has
come up is what impact has covered held
on the labor market for young people do
is it different to previous recessions
if you can't take that one i i can but
maybe i'll leave that to you first
okay yeah
so i'll try and give part of an answer
but do feel free to step in and add to
it so
firstly i mean what i would say is that
pandemic is still going on so it's
difficult to give a full picture of
what's uh going to happen and
when you look at certainly the initial
impact of the pandemic it particularly
affected certain sectors that young
people were disproportionately likely to
work in so for instance entertainment
retail and hospitality
so at least in the first
wave of the pandemic we saw young people
being especially hard and hardly hit big
hard hit because they worked in these
were disproportionately likely to be
affected by
uh the pandemic so i mean that's my
basic answer and i'm sure jonathan has a
lot to
add to it but before he does what i
would also add is that what's different
to um
the economic fallout and this whole
situation around the pandemic is that
it's not just affected young people
finding jobs it's also had a huge impact
on education
so schools have been shut down
universities have been disrupted there's
been a lot of lost learning
and that's likely to have a detrimental
impact on a whole
cohort a whole generation of young
people which whilst it won't immediately
show up in labor market outcomes in the
future it's very likely that we'll see
these people
um have
a negative
this will have a negative impact on the
long-term trajectories of these people
yeah i mean i think the only thing i
would say to um kind of
adds that is at the beginning of the
pandemic it did look a lot lot worse for
younger people much more likely to be
furloughed having time out you know not
not building that experience that we
were talking about um
as the pandemic has gone on and well not
gone faded uh you know things do look a
lot better for young people and a lot
better relative to their older kind of
compatriots at least in the uk
um are you i completely i can take your
point though that i think there's this
kind of this big cohort of a young
younger people who who are going to go
who have been going through kind of
significant disruption to their
education albeit in the uk slightly less
disrupted than in some countries where
where schools were closed for for longer
um you know i think probably and you
know in in in 10 years time it might
actually be that that
kind of impact is more important than
you know where the people were
furloughed for a couple of months in the
middle of 2020. um that's that's kind of
one view i'd probably i'd probably agree
um i think that takes us to the end and
uh imran thank you
and to our our viewers thank you so much
uh to imran for for uh being here today
uh giving us his talk and also answering
questions i'm just going to highlight
again next week's event on the economics
of higher education uh 22nd of november
4 to 5 p.m online
on our
youtube channel and available from the
ifs website
um but thank you very much for uh
watching thank you for participating in
the questions uh i'm fantastic to have
you uh here hope to see you again soon
thank you very much