amplify /ˈamplɪfʌɪ : to make larger or greater (as in amount, importance, or intensity), “increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier….enlarge upon or add detail to (a story or statement).” (Miriam Webster, Oxford Languages)
Amplifying Climate Dialogues brings together three unlikely pairs of people from Sheffield in intimate conversation around the climate crisis, to explore fears, and frustrations, as well as tactics, and collective strategies to find better ways to live together.
Join us at the Performance Lab, Sheffield Hallam University, as we make the recordings of these dialogues public, in order to create a space for new imaginaries and solidarities. Recorded during COP26, and in the face of complex and often overwhelming challenges posed by climate change, this event brings together the personal and political in order to support agencies for more just and sustainable futures. Participant Information can be found here.
As an audience member at the live event you will be invited to participate in a conversation after the recordings have been shared. You may choose to contribute, or you may wish to just sit and listen! The audio from the event will be simultaneously broadcast over the internet and recorded for future listeners.
Audio recordings and photographs from the event will contribute to an ongoing research project - by attending the event you are consenting to be part of this. Participant Information can be found here
We invite you to join us to listen together, or to listen in from home.
Tickets for the live event are free but limited. Please book on the event here if you plan to attend.
To join us online please follow this link at the 19:00 on Thursday 25th November To enjoy the fullest binaural experience we recommend that you wear headphones.
This event is a collaboration between Dr Tom Payne of SHU Acting & Performance, and Co-Director of Dopplegangster [] a theatre company that engages in cultural responses to climate change, Dr Julia Udall, of SHU Architecture, and Director of Social Enterprise Architectural Collective, Studio Polpo [], and Dr Alex De Little [], a sonic artist and research fellow at Goldsmiths.
With special thanks to The Festival of Social Sciences; The Technical Team at Sheffield Hallam University (Andy Ayres, Tom Roddis, Ben Woodward, and David Turner); and all of the contributors to the recorded conversations, Sara Hill, Ian Nesbitt, Jenny Sutton, Zainab Ata, Carissa Honeywell, Dom Paymanfar.
Anyone is welcome to attend in person (subject to booking), listen online, or to download it at a later date. Podcast to be made available on