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Reflecting on the Covid-19 domestic abuse crisis

What’s on offer?

Presentations will include: a) Hohl and Johnson’s analysis of the impact of Covid-19 and lockdowns on the domestic abuse reported to the police; b) Walklate et al’s documentation of how the criminal justice system, including the police, are addressing the domestic abuse ‘shadow pandemic’ during Covid-19; and c) Chantler et al's investigation into the challenges and opportunities posed by the pandemic for safeguarding victim-survivors of domestic abuse, particularly for BAME women and children.

These presentations will be followed by a panel session with key stakeholders from Cumbria Police and Women's Aid as panellists, where the discussants will reflect on our research findings, address the evolving status of the pandemic, and discuss its implications for victim-survivors of domestic abuse, police forces and other stakeholders.

What’s it about?

This webinar brings together three ESRC-funded projects investigating the impact of Covid-19 on domestic abuse, which has involved working in partnership with UK police forces. Presenters will discuss their research findings discuss overlapping themes in our work, with the aim of advancing knowledge, policy and practice in this important area.

The webinar aims to raise awareness of project findings, identify shared learning, and establish next steps for tackling domestic abuse

This event will take place online (Zoom), and all registered attendees will receive the link a couple of days before the event is due to take place. Please check your spam/junk folder.

Who’s leading the event?

Speakers include: Dr Katrin Hohl, City University and Dr Kelly Johnson, Durham University; Professor Sandra Walklate and Professor Barry Godfrey, Liverpool University; and Professor Khatidja Chantler, Manchester Metropolitan University. The session will also welcome Detective Superintendent Dan St Quintin from Cumbria Police, and a key domestic abuse stakeholder from Women's Aid as panellists, and Dr Charlotte Barlow from University of Central Lancashire as session chair.

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