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Staying Alive: risk, resistance and responses to LGBT+ youth suicide in Scotland

What’s on offer?

World leading research has shown again and again that LGBT+ young people are more likely than their cisgender (non-trans), heterosexual peers to think about and attempt suicide. Despite this, far less is known about why this is the case or what works to stop deaths by suicide and promote wellness and recovery. In this two-hour event we will share brand new findings from research seeking to understand what contributes to, and protects LGBT+ young people from, suicide. Together we will discuss some of the “challenges” and “solutions” identified during the research, and through audience conversations, we will consider how action can practically be taken. Attendance is encouraged from researchers, LGBT+ community members (especially young people), service providers and clinicians.

What’s it about?

This event will present a series of challenges and solutions brought to light through the doctoral research to inspire discussion. Responding to this attendees will be invited to “speak back” to the findings from their own perspectives and consider innovative solutions to the challenges shared. The event will offer a reflective space in which to create an optimistic ‘manifesto for change’, detailing how scholars, services and society can play a role in preventing LGBT+ youth suicide in Scotland in future and calling them to action, as well as providing attendees with opportunities for multi-sectoral learning and networking.

Who’s leading the event?

Hazel Marzetti, Health in Social Science University of Edinburgh

Open to

Young people, Professionals, Public

Of particular interest to

of particular interest to LGBT+ community members, service providers in mental health and suicide prevention, teachers and youth workers