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Secrecy in the European Union: how to exercise your right to information

What’s it about?

Obtaining access to information about the law, policy and practice of EU institutions is crucial to the work of lawyers, journalists, campaigners, academics and students – both inside and outside of the EU. In this workshop we will look at how governments have sought to maintain secrecy in the EU, how individuals and organizations have fought back, and teach you how you can exercise your right to access information. We will look back at Statewatch’s work since the late 1990s to hold institutions accountable and enhance transparency as a means of improving available information and enhancing public debate. This has been particularly essential in sectors – such as Justice and Home Affairs – in which “security” is often cited as justification for secrecy. Statewatch’s methods of monitoring institutional developments and submitting access to documents requests has since become standard practice in investigative journalism.  


Jane Kilpatrick, Researcher, Statewatch 

Yasha Maccanico, Researcher, Statewatch 

Chris Jones, Director, Statewatch 

Who’s leading the event?

Ann Singleton, Reader in Migration Policy, School for Policy Studies (Chair of the Trustees of Statewatch) 

Nadine Finch, Honorary Senior Policy Fellow, School for Policy Studies (Statewatch Trustee) 

Open to

Everyone is welcome

Of particular interest to

Students, academics, activists, journalists, lawyers, campaigners