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Sport for a New Generation

Legs wearing white socks and orange football boots. The right foot is on grass while the left foot is on a blue and green coloured football.

What’s on offer?

Attendees can expect to hear expert commentary on character and value in sport, inclusion and empowering coaching, as well as the business side of sport referring to fan ownership on football. The varied speakers joining us will ensure that this event is a thought provoking and insightful evening, with the opportunity to put questions to the panel.

What’s it about?

Join our academics, alongside industry experts as we host our event, sport for a new generation. Looking at sport through a Social Science lens, a wide spectrum of topics around the theme of sport will be covered.

Who’s leading the event?

Our academic speakers include: Aidan Thompson (University of Birmingham), Professor Ian Thomson (University of Birmingham), Professor Joan Duda (University of Birmingham), Hannah Lawton (Help for Heroes)

Further speakers TBC

Open to

Everyone eligible

Of particular interest to

Those with an interest in sport