This event will be a talk from a researcher, taking place in one of our campus buildings. There will be optional opportunities to interact through questions and interactive quizzes and polls.
On the face of it, suicide can seem like a baffling phenomenon, surrounded by immense stigma. Humans are naturally guided by evolution to fear and avoid pain and death; what can make an individual break away from these fundamental drives to stay alive? How can we better attempt to understand and support those at risk of suicide?
In this talk, Dr Moseley will explore common myths and misunderstandings about suicide, and what contemporary psychological theories about suicide can tell us about why and how people end their own lives.
Through scientific research, we’ll explore themes of loneliness and social connectedness, as well as what research tells us about groups who are especially at risk, such as autistic people. We’ll also consider what we can do, including the language we use, to support people at risk of suicide.
Please note: this talk will take a psychological scientific approach to the subject of suicide and will touch on topics including suicide, self-injury and depression. Please use your own discretion as to whether you might find the talk upsetting. Dr Moseley is a scientist and not a mental health professional, but there will be friendly and experienced volunteers available to talk to if you find yourself struggling at any point.
Dr Rachel Moseley, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Bournemouth University.
Anyone over the age of 16.