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Transforming Communities: Demystifying Circular Economy

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

A short interactive online event featuring fascinating presentations from social scientists and the United Nations! Come and hear our youth panel quiz the experts on how circular economy will help move us onto more responsible consumption and production pathways to benefit people and the planet.

What’s it about?

‘Transforming Communities: Demystifying circular economy’ shines a light on Oldham in Greater Manchester where Manchester Met University is working with Oldham Council, through the EU REDUCES project to transition to circularity in business models and community wealth building. We will hear from businesses, international guests from Utrecht and Turku, and the United Nations Academic Impact network about the urgent need to look after the earth’s precious resources, and share good practice around circular economy to the benefit of us all.

Who’s leading the event?

Professors Sally Randles and Heinz Tüselmann from Manchester Met Business School with Russell Yates from the Centre for Enterprise joined by 6 students from the Student Sustainability Group and student enrichment team - RISE. They will be joined by guest speaker Omar Hernandez from the United Nations Academic Impact, New York

Open to

All welcome

Of particular interest to

Of particular interest to anyone involved in working towards new models of local economic development and community wealth building which give equal weight to economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainability

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