An exhibition about how photos can be used to facilitate conversations around sensitive topics such as end of life and financial hardship.
Hosted as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science 2021, this exhibition brings together the work of photographers with an interest in using the medium of photography to explore social issues.
The images, presented in the University of Glasgow Chapel Foyer, cover the topics of end of life and poverty. The artists worked with the University of Glasgows 'Dying in the Margins' project team and Scottish photographer Margaret Mitchell to discuss how emotive topics can be captured in an empowering and sensitive way.
The exhibition is free to visit and runs from 16th - 30th November, displayed in the Chapel foyer. However, please be aware at peak times, access to the chapel may be limited.
For more information, please contact the event organiser, Dr Sam Quinn.
Dr Sam Quinn from University of Glasgow school of interdisciplinary studies.
Adults with an interest in end of life issues, poverty and socio-economic deprivation.
We envision that this will be of interest to members of the public, practitioners and social scientists with an interest in end of life studies, poverty research, visual methods and photography.