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Watts to wear? Reinventing our wardrobes to lower carbon emissions from buildings

Environment Themed

What’s on offer?

An interactive online talk by a researcher at Lancaster University on how fashion and clothing affect energy use within buildings, and how they might play a more positive role in reducing carbon emissions. Through some activities for you to undertake and the opportunity for questions and discussion we will help you reflect on the clothes in your wardrobe, what it might mean to dress more ‘warmly’ and the role of the fashion industry in promoting more climate-friendly styles.

What’s it about?

During winter a significant amount of energy is used to heat homes, offices and other buildings, resulting in 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Because clothing keeps us warm to a greater or lesser extent, changes in how we dress can directly affect how much energy is needed. Fashions have generally become lighter and less seasonally varied over the last century or so. But what if that changed? What if fashion design became more thermally and seasonally aware? And will experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic make this more or less likely? Join us for an exploration of the histories, sociology and futures of clothing and how its connection with indoor comfort might be harnessed to meaningfully reduce carbon emissions.

Who’s leading the event?

Janine Morley, Early Career Research Fellow, Lancaster University

Open to

Anyone is welcome

Of particular interest to

Young people and those who have been working from home during the pandemic

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