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What has education during Covid-19 been like for autistic young people and their families?

What’s on offer?

Researchers from Sheffield Hallam University will share findings from their current research, ‘autistic young people’s and families’ experiences of education during Covid-19’ project alongside participants from the project (autistic young people and parents/carers). Followed by a facilitated discussion about the lessons that can be learned by schools and policy-makers about the future of education for autistic young people.

What’s it about?

This event will share the findings of current research about autistic young people’s and families’ experiences of education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Through exploring artefacts and stories shared by autistic young people and their families we will consider the impact Covid-19 has had on this group’s experience of education. Though popular discourse currently narrates the pandemic’s disruption to young people’s education in general, less is known about the experience of marginalised groups, including autistic young people – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Dispelling some of the myths of what this period has been like for young people, and instead exploring some of the ways education has potentially become more inclusive and more accessible for some autistic young people, this event will open up debates about the lessons that can be learned about future inclusive practice in UK education.

Who’s leading the event?

Jill Pluquailec, Senior Lecturer in Autism and Gill O’Connor, Research Associate

Open to

All are welcome. If attendees have particular access requirements, they are welcome to contact the event organisers to discuss.

The event will be held on Zoom.  There will be BSL interpretation, and (automatically generated) closed captions will be available.

Of particular interest to

Of particular interest to those working with autistic young people in any form of education (including home schooling and unschooling communities) and autistic young people and families