This ESRC Festival of Social Sciences event, which took place on 7th November 2019, brought together education, research and performing arts to give a full account of priorities in the life of people with Severe, Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (SPMLD). Peter Imray, a special education consultant, developed his argument that at school we often 'hit the target but miss the point', failing to teach students with SPMLD meaningful and life-long skills. Dr Lila Kossyvaki, lecturer in SPMLD at the University of Birmingham, presented the current developments in social sciences research on SPMLD. Richard Hayhow, the director of the Open Theatre Company, provided some theoretical background on how theatre can be experienced beyond language and the One of a Kind group of young people with learning disabilities showed the audience their work with non-verbal physical theatre relying on music, prop work and improvisation. The evening closed with one of the young people of the group, Vicki, who shared with passion her personal journey.
Note: The filming and the video editing was carried out by people with learning disabilities.
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